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Velkomin á Jedipedia, . Hér geta allir lagt sitt af mörkum til þess að byggja upp ítarlegt Star Wars alfræðirit á íslensku. Hin íslenska Jedipedia inniheldur núna 12 greinar.
A word in English
Greetings to fans of Star Wars all over the world! Welcome to Jedipedia, a free Star Wars encyclopaedia in Icelandic which can be edited by everyone! Create a new article or help improve one of the existing ones. Special pages might give you some inspiration, especially the list of most wanted pages. Or you can see what pages we have already. For those who are new to Jedipedia, the guidelines contain all the information necessary to start. If you want so take a little look into the Icelandic language, you are also right here.

